Асортимент бренду Bormioli Rocco поповнився посудом із опалового скла

Home News Асортимент бренду Bormioli Rocco поповнився посудом із опалового скла

Вироби з опалового скла відрізняються вишуканою елегантністю та різноманітністю форм. Що дозволяє підібрати столовий посуд під будь-який інтер'єр.

Асортимент бренду Bormioli Rocco поповнився посудом із опалового скла. Вироби з опалового скла відрізняються вишуканою елегантністю та різноманітністю форм. Що дозволяє підібрати столовий посуд під будь-який інтер'єр.

Як роблять опалове скло:

Опалове скло створюється шляхом плавлення мінералів: кварцового піску, кальцинованої соди, доломіту, вапняку та плавикового шпату. Мінерали перемішуються і вирушають у піч, де запікаються в керамічних горщиках за температури 1426°. Аркуш скла занурюють у піч, де він обпалюється, а потім рівномірно остуджується, щоб не тріснути. Виробництво немає відходів і не шкодить планеті.

Переваги посуду з опалового скла:

№1. Міцне дно витримує удари, а краї захищені від сколів, що робить опалове скло безпечнішим у використанні. Завдяки високій міцності з опалового скла часто роблять дитячий посуд, який залишається цілим в руках маленьких бешкетників.

№2. Посуд із опалового скла не боїться температурного шоку. ЇЙого можна використовувати в мікрохвильовій печі для розігріву страв або для їх зберігання в холодильній та морозильній камері. Якщо нагріти холодну тарілку в НВЧ печі, вона не трісне. Це найголовніша відмінність опала від звичайного скла, яке в цих умовах миттєво розколеться.

№3. Обідні тарілки та салатники із опалового скла мають гладку непористу структуру. А це означає, що дрібні частинки їжі не залишаються в порах і не призводять до розмноження мікробів. Опалове скло - 100% гігієнічний матеріал, який ідеально підходить для виробництва столового посуду.

Опаловий посуд витримує тривалий термін експлуатації, його можна використовувати в посудомийній машині. Вироби з опалового скла можна ставити в мікрохвильову піч прямо з холодильника. Температурний перепад не зруйнує виріб.

Можете впевнено вибирати для будинку посуд із опалового скла, тому що воно на 100% безпечне для здоров'я людини. У процесі виробництва матеріал загартовується при температурі 1400°, тому всі небезпечні речовини знищуються. В результаті виходить посуд, стійкий до високого нагрівання, впливу кислот і лугів, а також механічних ударів.

Products from publication
SKU: 402851F26321990
118 UAH*
in stock
This dinner plate is part of the Ebro collection, whose design looks to the past revisited in a contemporary key: in fact, all products show a delicate decoration. The dinner plate is embellished with a delicate decoration along the edge, and can be combined with dinner and dessert plates from the same collection.
SKU: 498890F77321990
116 UAH*
in stock
Like the other products of the Parma collection, the plate shows a modern and linear design, softened by a delicate curvature. Produced in opal tempered glass, a hygienic material that makes it resistant to shocks and high temperatures, it is also microwave safe.
SKU: 498870F27321990
67 UAH*
in stock
This soup plate belongs to our Parma collection; the resistance and versatility of which make each product suitable for any need.
SKU: 402811FN9321990
62 UAH*
in stock
This soup plate is part of the Ebro collection, whose design looks to the past revisited in a contemporary key: in fact, all products show a delicate decoration.
SKU: 400810FN9321990
67 UAH*
in stock
This dinner plate is part of the Toledo collection, ideal for everyday use. The design of the Toledo collection is in fact very sober and linear, but extremely refined: this style makes it perfect to be used in various settings.
SKU: 498860F27321990
81 UAH*
in stock
This dinner plate belongs to our Parma collection; the resistance and versatility of which make each product suitable for any need.
SKU: 400812FN9321990
49 UAH*
in stock
This saucer is part of the Toledo collection, ideal for everyday use. The design of the Toledo collection is in fact very sober and linear, but extremely refined: this style makes it perfect to be used in various settings.
SKU: 498880F27321990
58 UAH*
in stock
This dessert plate belongs to our Parma collection; the resistance and versatility of which make each product suitable for any need.
SKU: 402812FN9321990
51 UAH*
in stock
This dessert plate is part of the Ebro collection, whose design looks to the past revisited in a contemporary key: in fact, all products show a delicate decoration. The dessert plate is embellished with a delicate decoration along the edge, and can be combined with dinner and soup plates from the same collection.
SKU: 400886FP8321990
79 UAH*
in stock
This small bowl is part of the Toledo collection, ideal for everyday use. The design of the Toledo collection is in fact very sober and linear, but extremely refined: this style makes it perfect to be used in various settings.
SKU: 400880FAC121990
136 UAH*
in stock
This salad bowl is part of the Toledo collection, ideal for everyday use. The design of the Toledo collection is in fact very sober and linear, but extremely refined: this style makes it perfect to be used in various settings.
SKU: 498910M91321990
165 UAH*
in stock
This salad bowl belongs to our Parma collection; the resistance and versatility of which make each product suitable for any need. Produced in opal tempered glass, a hygienic material that makes it resistant to shocks and high temperatures, it is also microwave safe.
SKU: 498920M93321990
64 UAH*
in stock
This small bowl belongs to our Parma collection; the resistance and versatility of which make each product suitable for any need. Produced in opal tempered glass, a hygienic material that makes it resistant to shocks and high temperatures, it is also microwave safe.
SKU: 498999FTL121990
56 UAH*
in stock
This small bowl belongs to our Parma collection; the resistance and versatility of which make each product suitable for any need. Produced in opal tempered glass, a hygienic material that makes it resistant to shocks and high temperatures, it is also microwave safe.
SKU: 402879FAC121990
139 UAH*
in stock
This bowl is part of the Ebro collection, whose design looks to the past revisited in a contemporary key: in fact, all products show a delicate decoration. The salad bowl can be used not only to serve mixed salads and side dishes, but also for first courses and tasty single dishes.
SKU: 402886FP8321990
76 UAH*
in stock
This bowl is part of the Ebro collection, whose design looks to the past revisited in a contemporary key: in fact, all products show a delicate decoration. The bowl is ideal for serving snacks, appetizers, desserts and fruit salads. The bowl is microwave safe.
SKU: 402882FN9321990
90 UAH*
in stock
This bowl is part of the Ebro collection, whose design looks to the past revisited in a contemporary key: in fact, all products show a delicate decoration. The bowl is ideal for serving snacks, appetizers, desserts and fruit salads in small portions. The bowl is also available in a higher and larger version. The bowl is microwave-safe.
SKU: 431241F27321990
84 UAH*
in stock
This rectangular plate belongs to our Parma collection; the resistance and versatility of which make each product suitable for any need. Produced in opal tempered glass, a hygienic material that makes it resistant to shocks and high temperatures, it is also microwave safe.
SKU: 400856FS7121990
106 UAH*
in stock
This oval plate is part of the Toledo collection, ideal for everyday use. The design of the Toledo collection is in fact very sober and linear, but extremely refined: this style makes it perfect to be used in various settings.
SKU: 402852F26321990
181 UAH*
in stock
This oval plate is part of the Ebro collection, whose design looks to the past revisited in a contemporary key: in fact, all products show a delicate decoration. The oval plate, to be used for the service of appetizers, second courses and side dishes, both at the table and for the buffets, is embellished with a delicate decoration along the edge, and is also available in a smaller format. The product is microwave safe.
SKU: 400850FAM121990
129 UAH*
in stock
This plate is part of the Toledo collection, ideal for everyday use. The design of the Toledo collection is in fact very sober and linear, but extremely refined: this style makes it perfect to be used in various settings. Like the other products in the collection, the plate is made of opal tempered glass, a hygienic and resistant material. The plate is microwave safe.
SKU: 431240F26321990
116 UAH*
out of stock
This rectangular plate belongs to our Parma collection; the resistance and versatility of which make each product suitable for any need. Produced in opal tempered glass, a hygienic material that makes it resistant to shocks and high temperatures, it is also microwave safe. Like the other products of the Parma collection, the dinner plate shows a modern and linear design, softened by a delicate curvature.
SKU: 400875SAT021990
2290 UAH*
out of stock
Table service 19 items Toledo. This set is part of the Toledo collection, perfect for everyday use. The set includes: 6pcs soup plate, 6pcs dinner plate, 6pcs dessert plate, 23 cm salad bowl in a classic and clean style, which is perfect for any context and any style of mise en place. The service is made of opal glass, has a high impact resistance, is environmentally friendly, because it has a non-porous structure. Opal glassware can be washed in a dishwasher and can be used in a microwave oven.
out of stock
Table service 19 items Parma. This set is part of the Parma collection, perfect for everyday use. Composition of the set: 6 pcs soup plate, 6 pcs dinner plate, 6 pcs dessert plate, 25 cm salad bowl in a classic and clean style that is perfect for any context and any style of mise en place. The service is made of opal glass, has a high impact resistance, is environmentally friendly, because it has a non-porous structure. Opal glassware can be washed in a dishwasher and can be used in a microwave oven.
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